CITIZENARTS specializes in creating documentary style promotional films for nonprofit organizations and corporate CSR programs
CITIZENARTS is globally recognized for creating compelling documentary-style films for nonprofit and commercial organizations in a vast array of fields. With a history rooted in documentary storytelling, we know firsthand how this dynamic, visual medium draws people in, sparks dialogue, and invites participation – engaging new audiences and reinforcing relationships.
The extensive experience of our award-winning creative team – combined with our expertise in marketing, public relations, and journalism – enables us to quickly grasp the special qualities and objectives of your organization, and craft your story in a way that audiences respond to: human, dramatic, believable.
How does it work? We take the time to get to know your organization -- its history, uniqueness, and, of course, your communication goals. With that base, we develop an efficient timetable and budget to convey your organization’s story in an engaging, entertaining way that leave your audiences wanting to know more.
The end result is a short-form documentary style promotional tool that is authentic, concise, and
tells a compelling story that underscores your essential messaging and resonates across multiple marketing and communications channels.
Please see below to read about some of the nonprofit and for profit organizations who have entrusted us to tell their story, and their own words about our work, as well as some of the awards and recognition our clients have received and samples of our work.
To discuss how the CITIZENARTS documentary approach can capture your organization’s story and engage viewers with the authenticity and value of your message and mission, please contact us.

CITIZENARTS has worked with nonprofit organizations and in support of corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts for profit organizations in many industries, including:

Our work on behalf of our clients has been recognized by leading industry organizations for outstanding communications work in video, film and digital media. These awards include:
Mercury Awards Silver Winner for
Goldman Sachs’
An Uncommon Heritage
International Film and Video Festival Certificate for Creative Excellence for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
Questar Awards Winner for Johnson & Johnson's Safe Decisions for Life
Mercury Awards Winner for UCLA/Johnson & Johnson's “Health Care Institute”
American Corporate Video Awards Silver Winner for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
New York Festivals Finalist for Where Technology Defines the Future
Flagstaff International Film Festival Silver Winner for Where Technology Defines the Future
Flagstaff International Film Festival Bronze Winner for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
New York Festivals Finalist for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
Questar Awards Finalist for Where Technology Defines the Future
Galaxy Awards Silver Winner for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
Galaxy Awards Silver Winner for Where Technology Defines the Future
Questar Awards Silver Winner for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
Questar Awards Finalist for Witco’s Partnering for Performance
Questar Awards Gold Winner for Prebon Yamane’s A Premier Broker to the Financial Community
Mercury Awards Bronze Winner for UBS' Paint the World Your Way
International Film and Video Festival Certificate for Creative Excellence for Where Technology Defines the Future
Galaxy Awards Gold Winner for Union Bank of Switzerland’s UBS in the Americas
New York Festivals Finalist for Finova’s Financial Innovators
Questar Awards Gold Winner for Finova's Financial Innovators
Galaxy Awards Gold Winner for Prebon Yamane’s A Premier Broker to the Financial Community

Through our actions, we aim to demonstrate that we are exceptionally client driven. A relationship with CITIZENARTS means a full and enthusiastic commitment. We display a determined effort to help our clients’ succeed and go the extra mile to do the job right. The following quotes are excerpted from some of the Emails and letters we’ve received from clients.
It was a real thrill to watch the film last night. It’s just fantastic – fascinating and really well put together. I think it will be hugely popular and have a real impact. It’s really something for us to be proud of – congratulations.
-President & CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
It’s been a pleasure to work with you and your team — you guys are true colleagues in every sense of the word! All of us know how incredibly supportive and invaluable you and your team have been.
-Director of Corporate Contributions, Johnson & Johnson
Some works stay relevant even with the passage of time, and others are quickly forgotten. CITIZENARTS films stand out as events to remember.
-CEO, Millennium Ltd. Mumbai, India
I greatly appreciate the work all of you have done for Johnson & Johnson. You have been a true partner in raising our level of communications to a new height. We are all part of a team, and I thank each of you for your role in achieving our mutual success.
-Director of Corporate Communications, Johnson & Johnson
I am so pleased with what I saw during this film. The diversity of America was amply illustrated in the film and the comments from it were intriguing. The ending of the film, when the interviewees offered their prescriptions for what ails America, really hit me. The topic is timely and valuable.
-Former senator and foundation founder, Washington DC
Thanks for the ‘Visions & Voices’ video which I received…I wish to congratulate you on the overall quality and content of the final production and the excellent work. I can remember you telling me about the heart surgery in Russia and how close you were to the action. All the topics had real impact.
-Staff Training & Development Officer, Johnson & Johnson (Cork, Ireland)
This film is fantastic. I would recommend it to exchange students, businessmen, and anyone else coming to live and work in China for the first time. I think it is also an excellent resource for USA/Canada-based students in high school and universities who are studying current events in East Asia.
-Professor, Shanghai, China
I just received a copy of the video ‘Visions & Voices’ – it’s an excellent piece. I was so proud of our program. Thanks for making us look good!
-Head of Community Relations, ALZA Corporation
I salute the heart and soul CITIZENARTS has put into this work. Your documentary radiated wisdom and a depth of understanding. A true piece of art — a combination of ideas and creativity. It is easy to predict what an impact this film will have on the audience—the young generation in particular. It will help people comprehend China’s experiences and successes/failures – and will add to their understanding and ability to work with China in a constructive, harmonious way.
-Economics instructor and entrepreneur, Cambridge, MA
I wanted to thank you for a job well done. We all absolutely love the ‘Visions & Voices’ video. You did an excellent job of truly portraying the clinic and our mission. I was present during the NAACP conference where they played it over and over for three days. Boy, was it a hit! We played the video for Edgar Garcia and his family. I would have given anything for you to see the face of his son when he saw himself on video. It was worth a million. You sure made one boy very happy.
-Manager, St. John Bosco Clinic (Miami, FL)
This film is absolutely amazing and it is unbelievable! Through the unique perspective of foreigners and using the most abundant language, the film perfectly captures what is happening in China. The content is rich; the view is broad; the structure is unique; the design is special; the commentary is clear, and the style is attractive. This film a great contribution to the cultural exchanges between USA and China will be remembered forever.
-Research Scientist, MIT
I just received the video on Johnson & Johnson ‘Vision & Voices’. Thank you very much, it looks fantastic.
-Managing Director, Johnson & Johnson Medical Russia
Well, the film is brilliant. As a viewer, we get to know Americans from many sectors. It gives us an understanding of the feelings of anger and frustration about the dysfunction in our government: feelings that our unique and noble political, economic and cultural institutions and our wondrous heritage are being frayed, squandered and dissipated by a host of seemingly uncontrollable forces. This film shows clearly there is more to be hopeful about than the media is willing to believe.
-Communications executive, Wittman, MD
What wonderful news! Everyone who has seen the video has raved about it… Congratulations to you and your people for the fine job. We’ve used the video a number of times and it has become an important corporate identity piece.
-CEO, The Finova Group
Thank you so much for a beautiful job on the video of our Jobs Training Program! We are thrilled with the results, and look forward to using the video as a teaching tool with which to respond to inquiries on our program, and especially, to enlist new employer partners into the program itself. Thank you, too, for the sensitivity and respect you and your colleagues showed to our participants and staff. Everyone enjoyed having you around!
-Common Ground Community/Peter F. Drucker Foundation
The film presented at the forum is absolutely fantastic. It’s not PBS preachy. It’s informative and has large audience appeal because it’s user friendly. Someone who doesn't know where China is on a map can get into this and learn. And the quick pace of the film complements the fast pace of China’s growth. That, along with your funny, irreverent, sardonic approach, places you where you want to be in telling a story in this era. You have a terrific film on a critical topic that is audience friendly — and that was obvious from the discussion during the forum.
-Film studies professor, Northeastern University
I recently received a copy of the video. In my 17 years with PLAN I have never seen anything which captures the heart of sponsorship more than this video.
-Director, PLAN International Ecuador

Samples of our Work
CITIZENARTS and its team of writers, producers and directors have been creating compelling, dramatic short and long form documentary style productions for clients for over 30 years. These productions are designed to engage new customers and reinforce key relationships. Below are just a few brief samples of some of our work over the years. Please contact us to view more samples or discuss how we may be able to assist your organization in meeting its marketing and communications goals.