Congratulations to Jim Gabbe for this monumental task in putting together a wonderful book that is rich in history and filled with so many powerful images of the past and present of Union Square.
Rob Walsh, New York City Commissioner, Small Business Services
I truly enjoyed The Universe of Union Square. The text and photographs were exceptional and I have ordered several for my friends.
Donald Jonas, co-founder, Barbara and Donald Jonas Family Fund
Thank you for this magnificent work.
Michael March, President, Prague Writers’ Festival
I am an historian by training, so Jim’s book has special meaning to me. It is quite simply the best book on a place that I have ever seen and visually, the most beautiful.
Jonathan Fanton, Former President, the MacArthur Foundation, the New School
As a Union Square collector, The Universe of Union Square is a treasured part of my collection. I am very happy to see Union Square have its OWN BOOK for a change. This is a first and I am sure that this collection will stand for many years as a source of pride and valuable info for those truly interested in the rich history of Union Square park and the surrounding area. I have amassed a huge collection, and your book is now the centerpiece of it all—thank you so much for a job well done.
Tsehai Hiwot, New York City
I did manage to pick up a copy of Jim’s book on Tuesday and Bob and I have been poring over it since. A visual feast and fascinating material! Please extend our congratulations to the author.
Tim Lane, New York City
What a bravura effort. The book is superb!
Louis Blumengarten, New York City historian and tour guide
This book is terrific, A great accomplishment – and a source of pride for the ‘hood!
Doug Aibel, Artistic Director, Vineyard Theatre
What a monumental piece of work! It looks great and is read with great interest and enjoyment.
Stanley F. Green, Larkspur, CA
I do not have the words to convey what I’m thinking about The Universe of Union Square. This is an amazing work!
Gail Fox, Community Activist, New York City
I’ve been plowing through The Universe of Union Square and I want to tell you how great it is. Beautiful layout, pics, narrative, sidebars, fun facts – all! Congratulations!
Jon Waller, New York City
I’ve read through The Universe of Union Square and I wanted to tell you it’s really terrific. I like the way the many permutations of the universe are grouped together. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the area. I was wrong!
Barbara Zinn Krieger, Founder, Vineyard Theatre and Making Books Sing
The book is amazing. I am enjoying it very much.
Rabbi Burt Aaron Siegel, The Shul of New York
The Universe of Union Square is such a lot of fun! I lived in that neighborhood from 1973 to 1990, as well as being in the 32 Union square studio building from 1980 on…so I know many of the people you interviewed. It was a great privilege to be included in this your project.
Christine Cornell, Union Square artist
I had to let you know how much I am enjoying ‘Universe.’ It sparked many conversations with the hordes of family who were at our house on Friday night. Really fun to read in. I had no idea Tammany Hall was there (so I’m a not a history buff)! Great job and wow, congratulations.
Jody Falco, book editor, New York City
I had a chance over the weekend to start reading The Universe of Union Square, and was wowed by the herculean job you guys did. It’s colorful, informative and readable to the extreme. The pictures (and the copy) look great…..not a dull page! For a history buff like myself, it’s particularly rewarding. My daughter Alison, who dances in Union Square studios almost every night of the week, is also looking forward to reading it. I can actually use your book as a source for the historical novel I’m currently writing, which has some scenes from the mid-1960s that take place in the “universe” grid. So, congratulations again to you and the team for your very impressive achievement. I hope you sell thousands of copies, which doesn’t sound that far-fetched to me given the many New Yorkers I’d think would find your book fascinating.
Randy Young, writer, New Jersey
We love The Universe of Union Square. It’s such an impressive work of collaboration.
Paul Nevins, attorney and author, Boston
The book is wonderful! I am so happy and content that you have this terrific accomplishment.
Bill Fischer, New York City
The Universe of Union Square is amazing! Congratulations!
Jenn Garvey-Blackwell, Associate Artistic Director, Vineyard Theatre
“We cherish the content of this book. It brings to life a part of the history of our city that is so important.”
Chuck Lewis, financial consultant, New York City
This book is great!
Stephen Hoffman, attorney, New York City
WOW! What an incredible book. I cannot begin to imagine how much work it took to produce such an important piece of work. You should all be very proud!
Marilyn Wexler, real estate broker, New York City
This is truly a unique and important work.
Michael March, founder and president, Prague Writers’ Festival
It is truly the chronicle of a New York icon that will be hard for future assessments to equal, much less surpass.
Jack Taylor, Union Square Community Coalition
Congratulations on The Universe of Union Square. It is a gorgeous book!
Joanne V. Graham, First Vice President, Merrill Lynch, New York City
I am simply amazed at the scope of The Universe of Union Square, and I was also at the launching where the first realizations dawned on all of us about what history has occured at Union Square. I’m so glad you did all that work! And the layout is gorgeous. Congratulations.
Helen-Jean Arthur, Actor/Musician, New York City
I hope you’ve enjoyed the great response to The Universe of Union Square. Congratulations again on your hard work completing this ambitious project! Gregg LeFevre and I send out a short email newsletter from our studio every few months, and in our next one we’d like to mention your book and our interview on the DVD.
Jennifer Andrews, Andrews LeFevre Studios
We’ve so enjoyed going through The Universe of Union Square. We have spent so much time in that whole area.
Susan Engle, New York City