Here are comments we've received from people who have attended forums built around Journey with the Giant. Please contact us to discuss bringing a forum to your
university, business, policy or culture group.
It was great meeting you at Harvard. We all appreciated the film and your informative and inspiring debate in class. We look forward to having you return to give another presentation at our winter session class in February.
Bruno Sergi, Professor, Center Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
A big thank you to everyone that made this forum a great success. What an incredible discussion! The response has been tremendous and we are looking forward to doing it again soon.
Joseph Duong, Director of Programs and Guest Experience, Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA)
This is a fantastic educational film. I would recommend it to exchange students, businessmen, and anyone else coming to live and work in China for the first time. I think it is also an excellent resource for USA/Canada-based students in high school and universities who are studying current events in East Asia.
Dijana Koprivica Redshaw, Social Studies Teacher, Shanghai American School, Shanghai, China
The event went really well, and Jim has inspired many questions from the students. The preview is so good that we want to make the whole film available for all our students to see at the library. Please come back some time soon with your other projects.
Weimin Sun, Director, CSUN China Institute, Professor, Department of Philosophy, California State University Northridge, California, USA
Thank you again for the showing and discussion last night. I have received great feedback from the students.It was a unique opportunity for them to get a panoramic view of modern day China via the movie, and then you did a wonderful job of tying it to their personal experiences thus far. You hit the nail on the head on so many points…and had us laughing too!
Charlie Engelmann, Director, Shanghai, China, Pepperdine University, Shanghai International Program
What an exciting forum! This event was an inspiration for our students and a perfect discussion platform for our current area of study, globalization.
Director of lectures, IPED, Fordham University
I lived in China for sometime, and I’ve been to many of the places you visited, and I think you really do capture the spirit of China, and your presentation is just so gutsy and so much fun. You have some of the best visuals of China I’ve ever seen. The testimonials you have are great. They weren’t studio shots – taking head shots – as you often see. They were on the factory floor.
Suzanne Ogden, Professor and Interim Chair – Department of Political Science, Northeastern University, Boston, USA